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Outpatient Oral-pharynx Psychosomatic Disease

Outpatient Oral-pharynx Psychosomatic Disease

Outpatient Oral-pharynx Psychosomatic Disease The Outpatient Oral-pharynx Psychosomatic Disease clinic provides support for improving the patients' quality of life by approaching various problems and complaints from a psychosomatic perspective, including jaw arthritis, pain in the gums or tongue, bad breath as well as dryness of the mouth and bad occlusion, which patients find hard to address to an ordinary dentist).

Hours of Consultations

In the morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday by appointment. First-time patients only.

Attending Clinician

Dr. Masahiro Kawamura (Odontologist, Academy of Gnathology and Occlusion certified odontologist, Japanese Academy of Occlusion and Health certified odontologist, industrial dentist, Nutrition Support Team (NST) dentist.

Illnesses Treated

Dry Mouth Syndrome, defective occlusion, jaw arthritis, glossalgia, halitosis, oral cavity discomfort, snoring, hyperesthesia, bruxism, Sleep Apnea Syndrome, shoulder discomfort, headaches, etc.


System of Treatment
In order for patients to fully utilize the advantages of the dental care unit attached to the Department of Neuropsychiatry, patients will first be seen as an outpatient by a Support Doctor to assess the mental aspect of the patient before receiving treatment in the dental care unit.
Treatment Policy
The first Chinese character for the word "patient" is a combination of the characters for "heart" and "skewer" - meaning piercing the heart with a skewer. We try to provide treatment by listening to what the patient's heart says based on our cherished motto, "The doctor's role is to remove the skewer - he cause of pain".
Preventative dentistry, occlusal dentistry, dental sleep medicine.
Other Information
When the cause of a problem is identified, a patient experiences relief when they find that the cause is not so serious. We provide treatment from the mental and physical (mouth) aspects.

Examinations and Guidance

Outpatient Psychiatry (interview) >>Psychological test >>Outpatient Dentistry (interview and talk) >>Oral cavity examination >>Explanation >>Treatment and guidance (lifestyle, exercises, etc.)


As a general rule, treatments provided will be covered by health insurance.